Friday, July 29, 2011

Ya heavy baby...

I am watching the show “Heavy” as I write this. This is my second episode today. The first detailed the 90 – 110 pound weight loss of two women. From the very beginning, these women were inspiring, working hard with the trainers to be successful. The next episode details a man and woman, Travis and Lindy. Both complained about everything the trainers asked them to do. Watching them made me realize how a bad attitude can hinder me from being successful on my own weight loss journey. 
After a few minutes of their complaining I decided to cook dinner for my family – chicken, rice, and Brussel sprouts.  My son reports that Travis has dropped out of the weight loss program while I am in the kitchen. I tell him to turn the TV off. I really don’t feel like seeing someone fail at something as important as getting healthy. It only reminds me of all my own failed attempts to get the weight off.
So here I am finishing the post after dinner and a 45 minute walk on the treadmill.
Denny’s –  ½ of a Moon Over My Hammy, an egg fried hard and to drink- ice water. Hey the hubby wanted to eat out today and have some family time.
Slept right through it…
Dunch – Dinner/Lunch at 3:00 p.m.
3 Chicken breast tender, Brussels sprouts, rice
Kidney beans with ground turkey meat (and a little bit of pork for flavor!)
While on the journey, I have also committed to drinking almost a gallon of water. Today I have drank almost 100 ounces, so I am almost there.
Weight – 214