Friday, July 22, 2011

Curse the Keebler Elf!


I was doing sooo good! I mean I was really on a roll. I had lost 8 pounds juicing vegetables... beets, carrots, cucumbers, and kale. I even tried putting the kale in a blender, but it ended up looking like something that belongs in an 8 month old's pamper and was promptly emptied into the garbage disposal.

But I got busy school shopping with the kids, skipped breakfast, then lunch, and by the time I went to the grocery store to buy, I mean get the stuff to make, no, no... let's be honest, buy dinner, those chocolate covered graham cracker cookies were calling me. T-I-N-A, tiiiinnnnaaaa - tina come eat me, tina come eat me! They called louder as I tried to escape to the detergent aisle. Perhaps a whiff of bleach will kill my cravings. As I rounded my shopping trip in freezer section, the kids eyed the ice-cream with longing desire. And what goes better with ice-cream than cookies.

I had to buy it. I couldn't let them eat their ice-cream without cookies. Four for you, four for you, two for you, and the rest for me. Mathematically, since I am almost three times their age (9 times the age of my youngest), I should get that many more cookies... right?