Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tell me whatcha want...

Tell me whatcha want, whatcha really, really want…
I have this song playing in my head tell me whatcha want, whatcha really, really want.  Thinking about what I want to do next. The prospect of doing something new excites me more than most people. I have been home for the past four years nurturing my daughter and now she is begging to go to school. I picture her clanging jail bars with her big girl cup hollering let me out of here. She is ready to be free of the long handed arms of maternal law.
I have always enjoyed writing. In fact at the tender age of 11 I submitted my work to Hallmark and American Greetings, hoping to prove my writing skills for the greeting card market. Though I did not hear from Hallmark, American Greetings admitted that I had talent, but returned my samples as they were not fit for their audience. I was crushed. I continued to write, but never submitted my work to anyone except my English teacher.  I allowed fear of rejection make me stop submitting my work.
As I write this I realize that we superwomen (and men for that matter) sometimes allow fear to control us and rob us of future success. Has the fear of rejection made you stop, give up on your dreams, or sit quietly in the corner ignoring your purpose? So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really, really want (in the comments section of this blog).  And both of us can stand together believing that you can achieve it.


Athena said...

I'm glad you are back blogging -- it takes time to build that blogging groove.

I appreciate your comment on my blog - yes, 'door reef' is my favorite, followed by 'pitchur' which is translated into 'picture.'

Keep blogging, try for something each day and it will come to you!

B. Troup said...

Thanks for responding Athena! Your advice will be put to good use!