Monday, August 8, 2011

Sea Bass, can I get some sea bass here?

All I can think about at this moment is eating Chilean Sea Bass cooked with shallots, garlic, and butter - some purple potatoes, and artichoke heart with hollandaise. And I have never even had hollandaise, but on the movie Julie and Julia that sauce looked soooo good.

I need to go grocery shopping, but my will power is waning. I think i may go in there and binge.There I am in the cookie aisle crunching on the Keebler Elf, downing chunks of chocolate chip cookies. I have been trying to think about something else all morning. I am now reasoning with myself that I should quit. I finished seven whole days, I lost a few pounds. Hey seven is the number of completion biblically right?

I keep considered what I said when I began. How I arrogantly beat my chest and professed a 10 day fast. Knowing, but not understanding, how very difficult this could be. Would I be wrong if I quit now? I feel sooo bad about contemplating ending the fast early.